

Monolith is a series of audio-visual installations and live concerts created by Lawrence English
and Werner Dafeldecker. The work is based on an extensive field trip to the Antarctica Peninsula
under the auspice of the Argentine Antarctic Division.
In February 2010, the artists were invited by the Argentinean Antarctic Chancellery
to visit two locations on the Antarctic Peninsula and create a work that responds to the social,
historical and geographic qualities of this region.

full text / text in german


shadow of the monolith / LP / Holotype

esperanza / excerpt / 2011 orf kunstradio
radiophonic piece exploring both pure field recordings
and processed concréte sound sourced from antarctica.

field recordings - Phonogrammarchiv /
16.02.2010, 18:32 h, S 63°23,711′ W 057°00,080′
Österreichische Akadmie der Wissenschaften

fall / installation / 2012 / twin projection, quadrophonic sound

fell / installation / 2012
single projection, stereo sound

the monolith / cinechamber - excerpt / live at musikprotokoll graz - 2011
the cinechamber is a custom designed audio-visual environment realised by recombient media labs.
it features 10 screens and an 8.8 sound system. the monolith has been developed into
a 15 minute piece both performed live and as program material for cinechamber.

slender blue / installation / excerpt - 2011
single screen projection, stereo sound

*video editing by scott morrison